Someone just sent me a text message that read
..If we lose out Un_ty.. we will stop being "I"ND"I"AN
The only thing I would add here is "Is an Indian a minority in India"
What do you think ? Are we really independent ??
As an individual we have.. seeking freedom in our relationships. (Whether that is good/ bad is debatable.)
As a society, good question! I think we still allow some persons to do the thinking for us. E.g. Narendra Modi idolised by some Indians (!?!?!) Need to be "independent" of such forces/ influences if we are to move ahead.
Independence Day quiz: What do the different colours of the Indian flag signify?
Found the folowing on the net ..
Bhagwa or the saffron colour denotes renunciation or disinterestedness. Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work.
The white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct.
The green shows our relation to (the) soil, our relation to the plant life here, on which all other life depends.
The Ashoks Chakra in the centre of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma Truth or satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principle of those who work under this flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion. There is death in stagnation. There is life in movement. India should no more resist change, it must move and go forward. The wheel represents the dynamism of a peaceful change."
The definition that I knew was..the widely held unofficial interpretation.. which is that :
the saffron stands for purity and spirituality,
white for peace and truth, and
green for fertility and prosperity
was hopin u'll put up one on I day. Happy I day!
While the people of India have been "independent" for th elast 59 years, the polity of India has been quite dependent&offlate subservient to foreign forces. Our country has failed to express its *independent* views on international issues..be it Israel vs lebanon or US vs Iraq/Afghan. Its high time the largest democracy in the world put its foot down and come clean instead of chasing other nations with begging bowl for UNSC membership. There is no freedom unless it is expressed or enjoyed!
very well written!
It actually feels like indians are a minority in india is mostly hindus or muslims etc etc....
We are independent if we pay taxes and do not raise our voices againt anything wrong....
We honour our flag for values which i dont know if it exhibits really. Our flag represents Truth, peace, progress..
our leaders pulling each other in scams, each one of us tensed up everytime if we will return home at night alive, we are still fighting with infrastructure developments..this can go on.
But still I am happy with the fact that i am not being harrased by any firangi, I am allowed to come out and work with equal status with men without any pardah and also we have a better status then AFGHANISTAN......
Food for thought (from an email I received on I-day):
Time for another struggle for freedom - from bad governance, increasing unrest and in the land so fertile, every third indian starving for a meal. Think about it...
Patriotism is not a noun but a verb.
(I couldn't have said it better !)
**Is an Indian a minority in India"
I dun get it...cos whoever who is a citizen of India is an INDIAN. So how can we classify that as minority/majority?
SSB --> agree .. we need to be free of secular forces.. I hope I did well on the Flag Quiz.. (I chaeted on the net !!) Also Agree that Patriotism is a verb..
Lets act on it
Seattle --> I agree that we have been strongly influeneced by Foreign forces.. especially US in recent times..
Even the nuclear treaty that we are signing now will come to haunt us in 5 years..
Ekta --> exactly..
Keshi --> what I meant by "Is an Indian a minority in India" is that we all classify us as :
Based on Religion - Hindus, Muslim, Christians etc
Based on Region - Maharashtrian, Gujarathis, Punjabis etc
Based on Language
Based on Caste - Brahmins etc
This is utter crap !!
we all say that we do not believe in all this.. But would you marry your daughter to another religion ? or caste ?
Its much more deep rooted that it seems..
anonymous --> I agree.. But If we do not stop this racism.. We will soon be like Afghanisthan !!
I do agree there is a lot to be done. But I still feel any Indian first associates himself with country and then religion/caste etc.
But then I do feel we as in Indians have become very individualistic too, am not sure if its a good or bad thing though
**But would you marry your daughter to another religion ? or caste ?
I gotcha. That mentality will never change...sad na!
It is a mindset and mentality which is deep rooted by now. The seeds for it were sown many many years ago and although the tree has been cut down too often it keeps growing back..
In India ,indian is a minority..
Outside of India..I guess it is not that much of an issue coz the exposure to other nationlaities is there..and we all try to save ur own cult..
the definition of "own" varies significantly from regions to states to countries though!
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