3 cheers to Richard Branson !

I fly to London often on business. Mostly to meet my clients. I usually take the night flight from Mumbai to London the British Airways BA139 (leaves Mumbai at 2.20 am and arrives at Heathrow at 7.30 am) and the day flight back the BA138 (leaving London in the mornings arriving at Mumbai at midnight).
I was extremely trilled when BA started the second flight through and fro from Mumbai to London.. Leaving Mumbai in the mornings and leaving London in the evenings..
I could now do day trips to London.
This May I went to London on a holiday with my family on a holiday. And just because the business class was cheaper on Virgin Atlantic by around Rs. 30,000 per ticket, I flew Virgin.. and was I surprised.. What a pleasant change..!!1. The Virgin flat bed in the business class is huge.. It’s as big as the BA first class
2. The food is much-much better.. With so many options in vegetarian and non-vegetarian
3. There is a masseur on board who gives you a neck or a hand massage
4. You can eat when you want !! No fixed time for serving food
5. The attitude of the airhostesses is much better and they are much younger than the usual 45+ BA ladies.
6. The lounge at Heathrow is unbelievable.. It has a full massage section, a beauty parlor, a Japanese sushi bar, a dessert section (at least 20 different desserts), they serve hot meals ala-carte (I loved the shepherd-pie that I had) and they also have a shoe polisher !!
The biggest difference are the seats..
Virgin Seats -

The Virgin business class seat (see above left) is 22 inches wide (wider than the BA first class seat). The ottoman doubles as a seat for your companion if you want to have dinner together (unlike BA, where the ottoman/foot rest cannot take the weight of a person)
The Virgin business class seat converts into a flat bed (see above right) which is the biggest fully flat bed of any airline in business class and bigger than even the BA first class bed.
BA Seats
The BA Business class seat is sort of clumsy (see above).. it comes in pairs.. There is someone sleeping right next to you !! Secondly, they are much narrower.. extremely difficult to turn in your sleep !!
Competition is intense ..
Historically, there has been huge competition between the two airlines. The competition was so hot that when BA tried to build the London Eye (which is a huge giant wheel – picture above) in London, they could not succeed at first because it was too heavy for the supports to hold.
Virgin had then come up with an ad saying “BA can’t get it up”
Post that holiday in May, I have decided that I will fly Virgin whenever possible. Unfortunately, they do not have a night flight out of India and the onward connections to New York are bad.. So I guess will have to wait till they sort that out.
Till then 3 cheers to Richard Branson and his airline !!
**“BA can’t get it up”
ok I flew Virgin once from Mel to Syd...cos it was such a short flight I couldnt observe much but I must say I liked the seats alot. Pretty comfy and there was alot of leg-room.
hahah i loved the ad slogan..Ba cant get it up and now even I am tempted to fly virgin whenever I do travel next!
I'm afraid to fly ( Ms.play it safe from Alanis's Morissete's "Ironic"!!) I blew opportunities to take chopper rides to oil rigs from my workplace. It really doesnt matter what size the seats are or what food is served when my eyes are
Greaat insight though!
Keshi --> australia is one place I want to go too.. !! The only continent that I have not gone to
Ritesh - no leaves for you this year boy !!
Anand --> you should really try Virgin.. Great attitude airline
Seattle --> Scared of flying aah.. I once took a 6 seater plane from Boston to Connecticut.. That was the only scary flight I sat in.. The guy who helped me with my luggage came in to actually fly the plane .. And I could see him on the controls.. Scary stuff
Otherwise (as you must be well aware) airplanes are the safest mode of travell
Seattle Smoke --> why would you want to go to Oil rigs ?
Unless you work for ONGC / Reliance
I once went to the Reliance Jamnagar factory to see the plant by a chopper.. Even for a regular flyer like me the ride was very bumpy and I nearly threw up !!
to Oil Rigs?
as as part of core- team implementation of an ERP system for E&P industry.. While the ERP is workinggood...Ive never been to oil rig but can tell u loads abt it.hehehe, like a true consultant!
Richard Branson: an amazzzing guy. I've read his autobiography - the guy stands for the phrase 'living life to the fullest' as he has done some very interesting things in his life that most people would not even dream of.
I think his business ventures (airline, music label, etc) in some small way do the same for their customers!
Seattle --> I would live to go on an Oil rig .. would be so exciting !! I used to design chemical plants many years ago as an engineer before I did my MBA and started selling stocks !!
SSB --> in the service industry ..it requires that extra effort to be differentiated.
The Airline industry is the toughest..No one has ever made money on airlines.. I think the main reasons have been Oil and terrorism (post 9/11)
then u should really visit Down Under. It's a different world altogether...and with Keshi in it, how could u avoid just this continent? ;-)
Keshi --> plan to be in Australia next Christmas.. 2007 !!
Parag you make flying Virgin Air sound more interesting than seeing London itself!
I had read 'Losing my Virginity' by Branson during college-the guy is one hell of an explosive!
But my next flight out is Thai airways. I hate all flights, waiting for the day we call just all 'Apparate' (for the Harry Potter uninitiated-its like you can just shut your eyes and be anywhere in a few seconds flat!)
thats great Parag - look forward to it cos Aus is just too BEAUTIFUL :)
I dont care which airline I go by...as long as I get to go to London:-))
Yes Ekta.. go to London.. its a great place.. Very "Prim and Propa"
I like Singapore and Sanfrancisco too..
fanaah --> next time I go.. I will take you along...
Keshi --> which part of Australia are you from ?
My firm has an office in Sydney.. So quite likely that I go there some day !!
thanx for stopping by !
i have never traveeled on an international flight ... so , no comments !
Im in Sydney - the best city in Aus! Thats great that u might hop over here some time woohoo :)
btw can we move from Virgin to something else now? ;-)
Im just kidding hehehe...just wanted to stir u up.
Have a good weekend Parag!
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