Of Cabbages and Kings

On a crusade to find myself

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Things that change as we move up....

As you move up the corporate ladder, a lot of changes take place...
1. Your day-to-day responsibilities go down but your year-to-year go up
Your targets get longer. You are looked up upon to provide a long term direction to the business and not get involved in day-to-day stuff. You start thinking long term strategy.
2. You become less "responsible" but more "accountable"
Because, you are not into day to day stuff, you are not responsible for the everyday business but you are accountable for your team.. and the cumulative business
3. You versus the team
You start realising that one person (Till now.. you) can take a product to a certain level.. But a whole team can take it much further.. So you start working on motivating the team rather than doing everything yourself. Your key job becomes "Managing and building a team"
4. Your physical stress decreases while mental stress increases
A fall out of the accountability syndrome. You get more time to sit back and Think.. But thinking adds to mental stress..
5. You also start thinking of competition..
As you move out of the "me" shell, you start looking and thinking of the world around you and how others are doing their business.

There could be many more such changes..
Some of these are not as easy as they look on a blog.. To change ones way of thinking and looking at work.. especially if you have been doing a line function for years .. is very difficult and to switch to a managerial role.. sit back and think !! ..it has to be a conscious effort for most of us..

Have any of you noticed the changes in yourselves as you have moved up the corporate ladder ??