Man to man with my son....

I was walking down the road the other day with Neel (my 3 year old son) after a very tense day at work.. and we had a very interesting conversation.
There is this area near my house that had just been acquired by a famous construction house in Mumbai. They are planning to build a top-of-the-line exclusive apartment complex there. The entire area was fenced and there were security guards sitting at the entrance. Looking at the security guards, my son said:
Neel: Why are police guarding this place
Me: They are not police. They are guards
Neel: But, why are they guarding the place
Me: Because there is a big building coming up here and they do not want unauthorosed people to enter the premises (I explained this in easier to understand language)
Neel: will we be staying in this new building ?
Me: No
Neel: Why
Me: Because its expensive and daddy does not have that much money
Neel: Can I work with you ? both of us together can get more money ..
That felt so good.. Its been a good 15 years since I have been the only sensible bread-earner in the family and my son (though just 3 years old) offering to help out felt so good.
Kids, (I strongly feel so), can sense the soft corners of their parents and often say things (sometimes subconsciously) that release a lot of tensions…
Awww that was really sweet.Yeah innocence touches the softest corners alright!
"Dadddy doesnt have money", hmmmm-I was a very large smirk across my face right now
that is soooo sweet..someday neelu will make usall proud :)
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